05.00PM - 5.15 PM Registration and Welcome Coffee
05.15 PM - 5.25 PM opening Keynote Address
05:25 PM - 6.00 PM Networking Hi-Tea , Socializing & MOU Signing
06.00 PM - 07.00 PM Podcast Session
07.00PM - 08.00PM Networking and Open Discussions
05.00PM Registration and Welcome
05.15 PM opening Keynote Address
05:25 PM Networking Hi-Tea , Socializing & MOU Signing
06.00 PM - Podcast Session
07.00PM Networking and Open Discussions
02.00 - 2.25 PM Registration
02.20 - 2.40 PM Networking / Socializing
02:40 - 02.45 PM Welcome Remarks
Dr. Sugumaran Selladurai, Dean
02.45 - 03.15 PM Keynote Speaker :
Smart Financing Planning
Mr. Ganesh Moorthy Manickam
03.15 - 03.25 PM Faculty Highlights
Mr Hosam and Dr. Sugumaran
03.25 - 03.30 PM MAHSA Health
Pn. Nurazlyly Binti Sharin
Chief Operating Officer, MAHSA Health
03.30 - 04.00 PM Networking and Open Discussions
02.00 - 2.25 PM Registration
02.20 - 2.40 PM Networking / Socializing
02:40 - 02.45 PM Welcome Remarks
Faculty of Dentistry,
Professor Dato Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Bin Abu Hassan
02.45 - 03.15 PM Keynote Speaker :
"Digital Implantology $ CAD CAM Implant Dentistry"
03.15 - 03.20 PM Token of Appreciation to Speaker
Faculty of Dentistry
03.20 - 03.30 PM Faculty Highlights
Faculty of Dentistry
03.30 - 03.40 PM MAHSA Health Presentation
Pn.Nurazlyly Binti Sharin
Chief Operating Office, MAHSA Health
03.40 - 04.00 PM Networking and Open Discussions
July 10th Thursday
HBS Urban Visions:
05.00PM - 5.15 PM Registration and Welcome Coffee
05.15 PM - 5.25 PM opening Keynote Address
05:25 PM - 6.00 PM Networking Hi-Tea , Socializing & MOU Signing
06.00 PM - 07.00 PM Podcast Session
07.00PM - 08.00PM Networking and Open Discussions